jQuery UI 1.6: The User Interface Library for jQuery
Read the full Table of Contents for jQuery UI 1.6: The User Interface Library for jQuery
What you will learn from this book
* Organize different sections of related content as tabs and accordins and save space on your page
* Display messages, images, and interactive content like forms using the dialog widget
* Use sliders for volume and color control of your applications by dynamically scrolling left and right, displaying different ranges
* Allow your site visitors to select dates from the calendar using date picker widget
* Enrich your interface with auto complete: start typing the first few letters of a name in your address book and the application will do the rest
* Provide a drag-and-drop mechanism to let users directly rearrange elements around the page
* Make a range of elements of a group selectable and take collective actions on them
* Create a page with content boxes on it that can be sorted into various positions to suit the visitors personal preference
* Add flair to your actions with animation effects
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