Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Art of Approaching - How to Meet Any Woman

“The Art of Approaching” has complete reference material with real world examples to transform you into a female magnet. It contains real world examples of how and when to apply the techniques. You’ll discover:
-The single most important factor to control if you ever want to have a romantic encounter with the wom
an of your dreams

-Discover WHY beautiful women wind up with an “average Joe”… and how you can exploit the answer to get the girl you want
-One simple yet extremely effective standing posture that women swoon over!
-Uncover the 6 dead giveaways that reveal IF a woman is interested!
-5 very common tell-tale signs that expose her interest in you!
-The Golden Rule of picking up women that maximizes your chances of finally getting the girl you want
-The single most important thing you must develop BEFORE you can enjoy the benefits of meeting and enjoying women
-How to quickly and easily avoid “psyching” yourself out of approaching your "choice"
-How to overcome the self-defeating behavior that gives the “scent” of insecurity!
-5 counter-productive actions that RUIN your opportunity to get the girl you want!
-How to eliminate 5 destructive habits you can’t ignore IF you want to meet the women of your dreams.

BizJancer Inc. | 2006 | ISBN: N/A | 338 pages | PDF | 1,4 MB



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